
The “wow’ baby brand was created by two friends Nat and Mi. The pair met many moons ago right at the start of their design journeys whilst studying footwear degrees at Cordwainer’s college London. They quickly bonded over their love of design , fun personalities and nights out as students.

The laughs and memories have only grown, the nights out not so much… And their friendship feels more like family these days.


Both designers have had lengthy successful careers in industry and are now working on something together that they feel passionate about.

After Nat became a mum she realised a gap in the market for a product like the WOW bag and got to work making a prototype. After some time Mi joined to help her on her mission to create the bag.

We hope that the bag will help take a little stress out of everyday life and leave you more time to make beautiful memories with your family.

We want all parents to know “You got this” !